Process mining tools used to exploit historic data to analyze the past. Today, the process mining we need is real-time process monitoring driven by real-time data. Thanks to the advances in ML and AI technology, process mining software can follow user behavior in real-time and provide insight immediately. This allows you to streamline your processes, allocate resources better, and, ultimately, save time and money.
Implementation doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck
Well, even though process mining is complex and so is the implementation of any process mining tool — they consume a lot of time and resources — it may become simple with the right support. At XPLUS we’re at your disposal to implement Executive Explorer dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics AX/365f&o seamlessly. We’ve written this app, so we know it inside out. Plus, there have been several implementations with worldwide clients. This guarantees a smooth rollout with a customized app and a well configured system to serve you best within days.
Data analysis and reporting
Let’s say you’re missing the know-how and don’t know where to start. XPLUS do. So let us get the job done. We know how to find the way around the data jungle. And yes, there’s lots of data to analyze. On our team, we have people who can plan and optimize the work as well as train your resources, so that the entire process becomes manageable. Let us analyze the processes for you and generate reports useful in the next steps.
Translating analysis into recommendations
With 360 visibility, it’s time to draw conclusions and see where there is room for improvement. Once you have explored the business processes together with their weight, you can turn this knowledge into a transformative plan. The obvious end results are time and money saved. But not only. If you eliminate or reduce monotonous and repetitive tasks, you can reallocate your resources better. Work becomes more attractive for your team and what you obtain in the long term are streamlined business processes. The intellectual potential is used where needed most while your organization becomes a tech-savvy trendsetter — so much easier to attract the best talent available.
Continuous transformation
When you’ve finally implemented Executive Explorer, analyzed all the necessary data, generated comprehensive reports, and arrived at recommendations, you want to get the most out of this exercise. Take Microsoft Dynamics AX/365f&o with Executive Explorer to the next level. The data scientists, consultants, and business architects are at your service. Together you can continue the transformation to capitalize on the investment and stay abreast of any changes in your industry.
To sum up, while there are several solutions available on the market, only one tool — Executive Explorer — is truly data driven; it is dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics and uses a big data analysis engine. And most importantly, comes with the support of an army of consultants, IT specialists, and analysts. This means you’re accompanied every step of the transformation journey.
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