Electronic Invoicing Add-on for Microsoft Dynamics 365 FSCM

This is a tiered service that enables configurable processing of electronic invoice documents and configurable document exchange. The processing and integration rules are fully configurable and the logic is run outside of finance and supply chain management.
Quick and easy adoption of financial regulations for your country/region
Standardized implementation of an e-invoicing solution
Improved traceability of document history
Shorter implementation cycle
Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO)
Easily customizable service configurations that require no developer involvement
Built-in export, import and easy extensibility in e-invoice document processing
Easy re-use of the same import-export configurations and scenarios as well as their seamless integration across countries

We are proficient in solving complex tasks and challenges.

Our goal is an efficient response to unique customer needs. Our field of expertise is the implementation and development of solutions tailored to the specifics of dispersed, multinational organizations. We will be happy to help your business.

Let’s talk

If you would like to discuss your needs concerning the Microsoft Dynamics AX/365 FSCM, please fill in the form below.
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