Trace user behavior to streamline processes

By implementing Executive Explorer, you can collect information about every click as well as all user actions in the system.
Big Data Analysis Engine
Pass the entire data stream to the Big Data Analysis Engine using unique algorithms to automatically find the processes to reorganize.
Critical points
Discover the critical points within your business processes.
Streamlining business processes
Clear the bottlenecks and discover how heavy each process is in reality.
Resource reallocation
Rethink resource allocation to maximize efficiency
Mitigate risks
Act now – prevention is better than cure – see which business processes need change
Complete Picture
See all your processes at a glance
UX improvements
Identify UX improvement opportunities
User performance boost
Discover user performance issues that can be eliminated

Process mining is a complex endeavor.

But if you have the right tools, it becomes simple. Use Executive Explorer to obtain 360 visibility. It’s time to draw conclusions and see where there is potential for improvement. Explore business processes and their costs. Transform. Save both time and money.

But not only. Once you eliminate or reduce monotonous and repetitive tasks, you can reallocate your resources better. Work becomes more attractive for your team. Obtain business process streamlining. Become a tech-savvy trendsetter. Use intellectual potential where needed more.
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We are proficient in solving complex tasks and challenges.

Our goal is an efficient response to unique customer needs. Our field of expertise is the implementation and development of solutions tailored to the specifics of dispersed, multinational organizations. We will be happy to help your business.

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